Welcome to Matrugaya Vidhi

where we continue the tradition of blessing families worldwide with maternal love and support , passed down through five generations.

Matrugaya Shraddh Vidhi, Siddhpur

Matrugaya Sidhpur is a place of immense spiritual significance, with Bindu Sarovar being its focal point.

Matrugaya Shraddh Vidhi, Siddhpur

Matrugaya Sidhpur is a place of immense spiritual significance, with Bindu Sarovar being its focal point. This sacred lake holds a special sanctity and glory as the Tapobhumi of Shri Kapil Dev, an incarnation of God and the founder of Samkhya philosophy. It was here, on the tranquil banks of Bindu Sarovar, that Kapil Dev imparted the essence of attaining Moksha to his mother, marking a pivotal moment in spiritual history.

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Welcome, fellow travelers, to the serene town of Sidhpur, nestled in the heart of Gujarat, India. In this quaint town, time seems to slow down, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in its rich…

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March 20, 2024

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March 20, 2024

हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार, मातृगया विधि को कोई भी हिन्दू परिवार कर सकता है जो अपने पूर्वजों की याद को समर्पित है और उनकी आत्मा को शांति और आशीर्वाद प्रदान करना चाहता है।…